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I'm a PhD candidate studying seabird island recovery in New Zealand. My research focuses on the nearshore system response to terrestrial invasive species eradications and return of breeding seabirds. I use marine sampling, remote sensing, and stable isotope analysis to quantify variations in macroalgae cover, diversity, and nitrogen content at seabird islands differing in invasion and eradication history. By monitoring recovering seabird islands with marine sampling, there is less damage to the fragile terrestrial island system. 


PhD Candidate in Biological Sciences
Northern Illinois University, 2015 - present
Advisor: Dr. Holly Jones
Dissertation: Measuring the nearshore recovery of seabird islands following rodent eradication in New Zealand

Education and Research Experience

MS in Biological Sciences
Marshall University, 2012 - 2014
Advisor: Dr. Anne Axel
Thesis: Assessing grazing impacts on a tropical dry forest system in Madagascar through vegetation, satellite imagery, lemur occupancy, and acoustic analysis
Other Research Experience
Field manager for biodiversity survey in Guyana
Gopher tortoise research assistant in FL
Great ape research assistant in Gabon
Desert tortoise field technician in NV
Complete CV available here
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